
How Do Animal Cells Deal With Osmotic Pressure


Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules, from a region where the water molecules are in higher concentration, to a region where they are in lower concentration, through a partially permeable membrane.

A dilute solution contains a high concentration of water molecules and is said to accept a high water potential , while a full-bodied solution contains a low concentration of h2o molecules and so has a low water potential.

Osmosis refers to the motion of h2o molecules only.

The slideshow shows an case of osmosis showing the management of movement of water betwixt two different concentrations of saccharide solutions:

The process of osmosis

H2o molecules movement from solution one to solution 2 by osmosis

Diffusion of sugar and water molecules in water

Water molecules move from solution i to solution ii by osmosis

Water molecules move from solution i to solution 2.

When the concentration of water is the same on both sides of the membrane, the motility of water molecules will be the same in both directions. There volition be no net movement of water molecules. In theory, the level of solution two will ascension, merely this volition be opposed by gravity and will be dependent on the width of the container.

Similar observations will exist made with solutions containing different solutes , for instance, salt instead of sugar.

Osmosis across living cells

Cells contain dilute solutions of ions , sugars and amino acids then have a high water potential.

The cell membrane is partially permeable.

H2o volition move into and out of cells by osmosis.

Plant cells

Isolated plant cells placed in a dilute solution or water will take in water by osmosis. If the soil is wet or moist, root pilus cells , will also take up water by osmosis. Leaf cells of state plants, unless information technology is raining or the humidity is high, will accept a tendency to lose h2o.

Plant cells have a strong cellulose cell wall outside the prison cell membrane. The cell wall is fully permeable to all molecules and supports the cell and stops it bursting when it gains water past osmosis.

If plant cells are placed in solutions of increasing solute concentration:

Pure water

In pure water, the cell contents - the cytoplasm and vacuole - push against the cell wall and the cell becomes turgid .

Fully turgid cells support the stems of non-woody plants.

Concentrated solution

In a more concentrated solution (low water potential), the cell contents lose water by osmosis. They shrink and pull abroad from the cell wall. The cell becomes flaccid . It is becoming plasmolysed .

Highly full-bodied solution

In a very concentrated solution, the cell undergoes full plasmolysis equally the cells lose more than water.

Diagram showing the effects of osmosis in animals

Plants would exist exposed to higher concentrations of solutes if at that place was less h2o in the soil - for instance, if plants were not watered, or plants in drought conditions. Plant cells would and so lose h2o by osmosis .

Aquatic , freshwater plants placed in the sea, or a seaweed in a stone pool where the water evaporated in the Sun, would too lose water past osmosis.

Animal cells

Animate being cells likewise take in and lose water past osmosis. They do not have a prison cell wall, so volition alter size and shape when put into solutions that are at a different concentration to the jail cell contents.

For example, red blood cells:

Red blood cells in different solutions Blood-red blood cells lose h2o and shrink in a concentrated solution. They swell and burst in a solution that is too dilute.

In animals, the concentration of torso fluids - blood plasma and tissue fluid - must be kept inside strict limits - if cells lose or gain too much water by osmosis, they do not function efficiently.


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